A Poem about Letting Go.

I’m trying to get back into the habit of writing.

I will say, once again, that 2013 was a great year. But, when the new year rolled around and we looked back on all that was accomplished… I was frustrated at how little I had documented my thoughts along the way.

Now, don’t get me wrong.. I still tweet and text and post pictures. Yet, it has become harder and harder for me to sit down and actually put my reflections on paper. Or at least flesh them out in a format that allows for more than 140 characters.

Growing up in the digital age puts a strain on how well you can articulate your thoughts. And this way of connecting allows us to filter how genuine you are with those messages. Because these social networks are limited to primarily a one-way form of communication, we splice our thoughts and ideas into small digestible pieces. Then, we fill the airwaves with blurbs about our existence in the hopes that someone will catch it above the noise.

Instead of initiating real connections, we have little “sips” of online conversation.. hoping it will amount the illusion of meaningful connection. But, what scares me most about my “adjustment” to this form of communication is the way that it distracts me from staying in tune with how I truly feel.

Do something today that your future self with thank you for.

It’s easy enough to fill our day to day with these kinds of connections. The posts on your wall receive more attention then the things that are on your mind. Because, in reality, those things are simpler to handle. Many of our days our consumed with tasks that distract our mind from our personal perceptions. Our views become muddled with the thoughts of others, and this overwhelming exposure to their activity makes it easy to feel like you’re filling the void.

It’s certainly hard for me to really pay attention to the million thoughts that zip through my mind every moment. It’s hectic in there.  And I’ve noticed the strain this has put on my ability to articulate my thoughts, to express my ideas, and to communicate my theory behind  them. I plan on spending the rest of my life seeking out incredible individuals and organizations that see the good in the world and who are determined to find ingenious ways to create more. But, these are ideas that have yet to be discovered. In fact, I feel that some of them may be buried deep in my cerebral cortex at this very moment.  However, those ideas will never come to life if I’m not able to honestly share them with others.

That’s really why I’m here.

Because in the days when I feel like Instagram is the only social network in which I can find peace, I know there is a need to preserve my ability to USE MY WORDS.

So, in this new year, I’ve decided to commit to a thought I’ve been entertaining for a while. As you may know, I’m a fan of pretty words and beautiful sentiments… two things I believe are most perfectly expressed in poetry. I’ve always loved writing little poems. My parents will tell you they were the recipients of these silly poems quite often. I even sent my little sister to college with my words of advice captured in the rhyming fashion. Plus, the Bear and I have big plans to write many children’s books.… which I think are more fun to read when they rhyme!

So, once a month I will break my normal routine of tweets and pins and posts… to try something more long form. And more genuine.

I hope you enjoy this first attempt….


A Poem About Letting Go.

By: Me. 

By tomorrow, today will have ended.

And a different path will start.

There will be damage you could have mended.

If you start by falling apart.

LET GO of thoughts that don’t make you feel strong

For you can overcome the most difficult task.

Trust that you will find where you’re meant to belong.

This journey will answer questions you’d never thought to ask.

LET GO of regrets that distract your mind

Free your world of thoughts that are petty.

You will find that it is necessary to leave them behind,

Simply for the reason that they are heavy.

LET GO of worrying that wastes your time,

And the “what if’s” that you needlesly flaunt.

Because allowing yourself to continue that climb,

Uses your imagination to create something you don’t want.

LET GO of blame and the thoughts that ensue

Saying that to be happy you need someone’s help.

Because although you act like the world is against you,

it’s really just you against yourself.

LET GO of thinking your dreams aren’t important.

You must resist the urge to stand still.

Believe in the actions your goals certainly warrant.

Because doubt will kill more dreams than failure ever will.

LET GO of the thinking that this is not where you belong.

Because, regardless, it’s where you are today.

And know that it’s hard to tell right from wrong

When you aren’t ready to see them that way.

LET GO of your need to feel superior…

To the others that you may have fought.

You will learn that life becomes easier

When you can accept an apology you never really got.

LET GO of your impatience

And the need to ask for more.

Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better. Do better than before.

LET GO of being a know it all.

Because there’s a lot you’ll never see.

And because what trips us up most of all

is how we picture things are should be.

LET GO of the doubt that can numb your heart

…banish negativity altogether.

Because sometimes things must fall apart

So even better things can fall together. 

LET GO of your urge to ask for more

A simple sentiment to see you through:

The secret to really having it all

is knowing you already do.


What will you be letting go of this year?

Or tell me what your focus is this month. 

Give me some inspiration for next month’s addition!!


the littlest bear.

Tree House – Green Living

When I think about where I want to grow old, I don’t think of a quiet suburban street with a white picket fence. Instead, I imagine that James and I will find a quiet piece of land in Yosemite Valley, where we will tuck ourselves away in the treetops.

Treehouse living is the life for us. What does your dream house look like?

Inspiration – Breaking Bear

I want to live a life that is wild.

I wrote this sentence in a journal a few months ago and I find myself thinking about it often. There are many places we plan on pursuing. The days of staring at computer screens and staying inside make me feel restless. I’ve never felt more motivated to get out, to move, to breath fresh air, and to experience what the world has to offer.


Getting to know James has also given me the chance to fall in love with the great outdoors. I feel most at peace when I’m among the trees. And really, since we met.. it’s  the only place we ever want to be.

But, for now, we do not have the luxury to lead the nomadic life we so desire. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from spending plenty of time thinking about it.

I imagine it will look a little something like this:

Someday we will have this life.

Someday our days will be filled with hiking, swimming, biking, exploring, and appreciating this incredible planet we get to call home. Someday we will use our talents and channel our passion to support these places. We will help find new ways to support these magical destinations. We will discover new ways to make them thrive and we’ll invite the next generation experience all they have to offer.



Positive Post – Good Vibes Only.

Happy Monday, All.

As you begin your week, here are a few items that may give you some positive perspective.

1. Listen to Kid President’s letter to a person on their first day here. 

2. Look at this adorable german shepherd puppy in a sweater. 

3. Tap your toes to this feel good tune from A Great Big World.

4.  Watch this “elderly couple” dance to Bob Marley’s “Is this Love?” 

5. Still feeling down? Here are 19 Signs You’re doing Better than you think. 

Have a wonderful week!

2013 – Bear Briefing

Happy 2014, everyone. I know that I’m a little late to the game, but I feel like a real introduction is in order as it has been quite some time since we’ve really been able to fill you in! The new year came and went, but after an adventurous two week vacation, it seems like it has taken us this long just to catch up.

2014briefing_littlebear 2014bearbriefing_bear 2014bearbriefing_littlestbeast

Now that things are getting back to “normal,” it’s fun to look back over exactly has transpired over the last twelve months. The last year brought a lot of changes to lives of these bears. James and I have both moved jobs twice and the furry new addition to our family has certainly shaken things up. 2013 was a growing year. It seemed like everything moved so quickly and at times, it felt like I might not be able to keep up. But, one way or another we kept moving forward.

Here are just a few highlights:

2014briefing_apron2013 brought the end to my serving days. After living in Los Angeles for almost 7 years, I’m finally focusing on pursuing a career in the things that interest me most. Which translates to a rationally optimistic combination of entertainment, marketing, and philanthropy.


James has never had a pup of his own and I’ve been plotting to get one of my own for quite some time. We’ve been joking about adding furry family member since we moved in together and on a Sunday morning in February we made the impulse decision to make it happen. A rescue in downtown LA introduced us to this little beast. She’s a german shepherd mutt with ears that are quite disproportionate to her body, and we love her. Getting to know this little creature has been the highlight of 2013. She is magnificent… and utterly wild.


Before I started my new job, I picked up a pretty killer side job as Creed Bratton‘s assistant. You may know him from NBC’s The Office or as one of the original members of Grass Roots, but we now know him as Grandpa Creed. Undoubtedly one of the coolest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Creed has back-packed through the middle east and Africa, hitchhiked across the US, lived on a tanker for 28 days with a 5 person crew, and played with iconic artists like The Doors and Joan Jett. The man has stories to tell and we’re happy to be the ones to listen.


Like I said, there were plenty of moments when 2013 felt less than stellar. But, on those days we tried to honor our promise to pursue a more positive perspective and took to the streets with some sidewalk chalk. We collected wise words and happy thoughts… and then covered our neighborhood with them. Mine were always messier than bears, and ‘Stache always tried to eat the chalk.


Miss ‘Stache took her first real road trip this year, when we drove north for a concert in Creed’s hometown – Coarsegold, CA. Less than an hour from Yosemite, we took a day trip before returning to LA. We had to introduce the littlest beast to our favorite place on the planet. The first time we went, it was a real religious experience for me. I’ve never felt so strongly about my love for nature. The peace I feel there makes me feel calm, focused, and appreciative. Visiting that valley floor feels like going home. I miss it now, just thinking about it.


My friend Lilly helped push me out of my comfort zone when she invited me to take my first flying lesson. It’s always been a goal of mine, but truth be told, when the day rolled around to take to the air…. I was less than enthused. After some words of encouragement… and requests from the pilot NOT to throw up, we were off. Lily took us to Malibu and back, and I flew the last leg from Santa Monica to Hollywood. It was such an incredible experience. Until the pilot took the controls to try out some parabolic flight maneuvers. I almost broke the no puking rule, but managed to make it out unscathed. I think it’s safe to say I’ll be sticking to commercial airlines for now.


2013 was also the year these bears started camping. After a quick trip to Crystal Lake just outside of LA, we were ready to take on more rugged territory. So, we took a weekend trip north to Inyo National Forest. Though I had never heard of it before, this place can give Yosemite a real run for its money. Not only did we camp near a beautiful stream, but a breathtaking 12 mile hike brought us to several high elevation lakes that sat at over 11,000 ft. THIS is what I love about California. Oh, and ‘Stache had her first chance to swim in a lake. Which was just as adorable as it sounds.


My new job at CK&D, brought a new perk of adult living… business travel. Thankfully, in my line of work, business conferences are anything but boring. Three days at the Social Good Summit were a perfect reminder that I’m right where I’m meant to be. There is nothing that makes me feel more alive than seeing how brilliant people are solving the worlds problems by using technology to collaborate. Plus, seeing Richard Branson talk about the first flight with Virgin Galactic was pretty freaking sweet.


In order to test out another little project for the Secret ‘Stache Society, James and I covered our home, office, and even our cards with #postitivepostits. I love these little reminders.


The holiday season also gave us a much needed break from the West Coast. We spent a few day back in Pittsburgh hanging out with the Hofrichter clan. It was a quiet vacation filled with family, friends, and plenty of food. James and I are both itching to back to the east coast permanently. This trip may have been the last straw. I miss this bunch. Though we certainly missed the little beast.


Making the trip back east for Thanksgiving set us up for a perfectly quiet Christmas. With a lot of big plans travel plans already in the works for 2014, we decided to have a simple Christmas here in the bear cave. Rotating between feasting, movie marathons, hiking, and talking walks with the beast.. our holiday season was magical in the way only a bear holiday could be. More like Hibernation.


Happy Holiday’s from The Bears! 

2014breifing_sanfraThe final week of 2013 may have been my favorite of all. The holiday gave me a whole 2 weeks off work and we certainly took advantage. James and I have wanted to make the trip to San Francisco for a while and this was the perfect opprotunity. We found a small apartment in the city (so we could bring ‘Stache!) and spent 2 days exploring. We wandered and feasted and spent an evening in the coolest museum I’ve ever been to. To cap it all off, took the long way home and stopped off in Muir woods. Watching the sunset as we drove back along along the PCH was the perfect way to be reminded of what an amazing life we have. Plus, Bear asked me if we could move to Santa Cruz every few minutes,  But who could blame him? Pine trees and ocean in the same place. Paradise.


This year has been a crazy one. I know that 2014 is going to bring even bigger changes for us. And I can’t wait. New adventures, more hiking, fewer screens, more creating, less impatience, more appreciation, fewer distractions and more Hofrichter’s (Baby M in T-5 months!). James and I are learning more and more about one another everyday. And somehow I keep managing to fall more and more in love with him.

We’ve got big plans for our future. This year will give us more opportunities to bring our dreams into reality. We are learning to grow together and focus our attention on accomplishing the goals we have in common. I’m so lucky to have him has a teammate.

Get ready 2014… the bears are coming for you. 

A Few Favorites: Tiny Darling prints from the Animal Print Shop

Here you have it. The most precious photos ever taken.

Prepare yourself for adorable-ness. 


TN_Baby Animal Pictures_Baby Monkey CU The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose www.theanimalprintshop.combut wait, there are more…

Giraffe-CloseUpTN TN_Baby Animal Photography Pictures_Lion CubCU The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose TN_Baby Animal Photography Pictures_Duckling CU

Meet the talented Sharon Montrose. She shares my love of all things furry, and she’s used her incredible skills to build a lovely little store called The Animal Print Shop. She’s phenomenal.



I think a few tiny prints are perfect for some last minute Christmas Shopping….

Especially this one!






bear briefing: the latest adventures.

It has been quite some time since I took a moment to look back on all the amazing adventures bear and I have had over the last few months. We’ve changed jobs, adopted a crazy puppy, visited national parks, taken trips to the east coast, and slept in a little, too.

There are plenty of days that pass by that we’d be happy to soon forget and on those days I think that it’s important to look at the ones you love to remember.

Because it’s be ages since I’ve documented these special days, here is photo  briefing of what we’ve been up to the last few months…


the beast waited for the adventures to begin.

miss ‘stache waited for the adventures to begin. bears bought a tent.

we bought a tent. (and set it up in our apartment)

miss 'stache first hike.

miss ‘stache went on her first hike!the bears napped.

we slept in.
the bears played scrabble

we played scrabble.miss 'stache wore a cape.

miss ‘stache wore a cape. miss 'stache got her own 'stachemiss ‘stache got her own ‘stache.



we volunteered to plant a garden.

we met cookie monster. 603583_10200973981580051_67600644_n

we hung out with the most interesting man in hollywood.. creed bratton310715_10200970418570978_881009057_n

i fought against alzheimer’s disease with seth rogen.

miss ‘stache spent the day in the office. 48026_10200946095722922_1629533401_n

we saw my favorite trees. (giant redwoods!)430490_10200946045121657_1079819043_n

we went to the happiest place on earth… yosemite valley. 164667_10200940699308015_809524938_n

we ventured into the great outdoors. 923069_10200940678667499_1780410340_n

miss ‘stache went on her first roadtrip. 164666_10200923449316776_1655022895_n

‘stache met penny.

bear got on a swing.

we shared some sidewalk sense149408_10200849837116517_348048665_n

miss ‘stache met gibson. 555101_10200843025146222_548205812_nbear finished building creedbratton.com



we went to disney for my birthday. 579373_10201094458631902_1174116765_n

this bear gave me the best birthday celebration.190405_10201054994405321_49628035_n

we spent a day at the getty. 417901_10201048321678507_1680543526_n

we took miss ‘stache for long walks.



we attended a summer celebration.


i flew this thing.


‘stache got freaking wasted. 971099_10201261658931805_996482098_n

we tried out some urban hiking. 1011188_10201303248771525_1426566788_n

we saw grandpa creed in action1016141_10201284309938066_1471413467_nmiss ‘stache tried to distract me from work.



we played in the park. ‘stache got really good at fetch.

we ate sausages made of exotic meats.1044688_10201393693432585_351421060_n

‘stache took over the bed. 1069914_10201429296562641_1129663823_n

we returned to the east coast for an family wedding. 971500_10201360235996170_1763159030_ni felt sick, so miss ‘stache kept me company.


1176197_10201687382374625_1902186838_nwe went camping at crystal lake.


i drew mustaches on the window at work. 1004831_10201610815020489_1344092792_n

miss ‘stache got bit by a spider. (not awesome)…

and had to wear this cone. (definitely awesome)483974_10201604488302325_1075775224_n

bear and i found time to escape into our natural habitat.



i flew to new york on my first real business trip.


i solved all of the worlds problems at the social good summit. 

i took a walk in central park. 1157631_10201883351713736_1535450021_n

we went for an evening bike ride.

we met some friends at the dog beach. 

miss ‘stache learned that she likes the ocean. 993985_10201782365869153_72728217_n

we ventured into the wild to camp in inyo national forest.

58815_10201789389564741_1498015765_nwe hiked to lakes at altitude of 12,000+ ft.



i wore an awesome top hat. 1383619_10202005465086494_1649520442_n

bear did too. 537271_10202068490902100_534484819_nI wrote many positive post-its…


bear did too.

my brother in law came to visit from the uk. ‘stache fell was smitten. she loved his accent.

‘stache hid under the covers when he left.

i celebrated the life of this incredible women, who helped give me this amazing life. 1385761_10202204650306000_1891490338_n

we carved pumpkins… in bear costumes. 1463607_10202247851866012_643947277_n

bear drew pictures of us.
1003954_10202247832825536_993067596_nwe brought back bear adventures.

James and I both see a lot of change on the horizon. Lately, we’re not sure if we’ll even be in LA this time next year! But, until we decided what the next step is… I know we’re going to be taking full advantage of the things that the sunshine state has to offer!

I think that means we’ll be spending a lot more of our time outdoors over the next few months.. because wearing shorts in November is definitely something I’ll miss. And those are the days I’ll want to remember.


Meet Our New Puppy!

I’d like you to meet ‘Stache Dash Barkley The Magnificent. 


Or just ‘Stache for short.

This little lady is the newest addition to the Bear family, and we love her like CRAZY.

The Bear and I have been talking about getting a dog for some time now. We had made some tentative plans to find one for our 1 year anniversary. We’ve both wanted a dog of our own forever, and now that we found each other.. we just couldn’t wait!

If you know anything about us, you know we like being outside. Bear is an avid runner and we are REALLY into hiking. Plus, with Bear finding plenty of work as a graphic designer he spends a lot of time at home.  We figured a dog would make an excellent addition to our lives.

After looking at listings for many adorable puppies online, (Petfinder and PetHarbor… in case you’re looking for a critter of your own) we decided we needed to try to see a few in person. I pulled some strings and bribed some friends to get of my normal Sunday Brunch shift at FarmShop, and we made plans to embark on the Search for ‘Stache.

We spent Sunday morning driving to a few shelters in West LA and even to a pet adoption fair. We weren’t able to find any young dogs at these places, and we knew we wanted a puppy. We also definitely wanted to rescue a dog, so one of the nice women working at the shelter suggested we go to the Westside German Shepherd Rescue.   They were having an event downtown, so we jumped in our car and headed that way.

After some waiting and filling out some paper work, we were introduced to one BIG shepherd and Chow mix. Though he was a big lovable mutt, he was no puppy.

At this point they introduced us to “Lexus” the little pup sitting behind the counter with the girls working at the shelter. One of those women had been fostering Lexus, who had just been dropped off at the rescue the day before.  A 7 month old German Shepherd mix. But she’s just a little lady. Smaller than the average Shepherd, with shorter hair, and the BIGGEST ears that I’ve ever seen.

and I love them. 


So, we snuck off to a little room to get acquainted with this adorable and cheery little rugrat. We quickly warmed up to one another, and soon were playing fetch and she was snuggling up to be petted and give kisses.

The Bear’s were smitten…. she  had to come home with us 🙂


It’s day two with our new family member.

 And we could not be happier with our wonderful little munchkin.

There have been many treats given and many walks taken.


We’ve played fetch and snuggled on the couch.

ImageShe’s gotten used to her crate, and got lots of practice reviewing “sit” and “stay.”

Mostly, we’ve spent the last 30+ hours smothering her with love and reminding her how happy we that she’s here. This little lady will never want for anything again… and will always have a loving home with these bears.


Her name doesn’t lie… she really is Magificent.